Monday, June 29, 2009

mAta merah..

mikail jaksun..hehe my idol..(mcm acheng)

Jam menunjukkan 1:25 pg..

  • mengadap laptop..

  • dgr kwn2 lam blik ngumpat..huhu

  • buat mtc digi-bikin otak bengkak

  • maw wat mimpi da ne..

pesanan bwat suma:

mari la kta sma2 bedoa utk michael jackson..

wlupun dia xknl kta..


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

itu bukan babi tp anak babi!

aku ada satu keychain kat beg aku...n bnda tu sgt comel atau aku lg suka panggil 'chomey'...bnda tu pun salu ada ngan aku every tym aku p klas n asal aku bwa beg high sierra aku ni..hehe..
bnda tu kecik je n bebentuk kristal warna colourles...hehe..
apa ka bnda itu??
alar ramai jg org sni salu pggl nama tu bnda kalau marah atau xpuas aty ngan sumtink..
nak taw apa?hehe..tggu..

so ada satu masa tu kwn2 aku yg ingin tahu ni pun nmpk keychain aku yg chomey tu..
dorg cakap la wei keychain tu bkn babi ek?
so aku jawab la itu bkn babi tp anak babi..
pastu dorg pun tnya la npa ko pkai bnda tu..
aku pun jawab la 'its bring luck to me'..
pastu dorg ckp aku kurafat..

actually citernye gni..
kwn aku bg tu bnda so simpan la..
bkn aku maw puja jg kan..hehe
lg pun chomey apa ada keychain anak babi..
org lain xda kan..hehe

owh ya kalau nak tgk keychain aku mari la jumpa aku..


Friday, June 5, 2009

my expectations..

My expectations in this csc134's class are not much as i'm only wants to apply my skills and knowledges that i will gain and learn in this class in my future life. Furthermore, i also hope this class will be fun and interesting so all students can study without stress or boring. Lastly, i hope i can give my best commitment and attentions to this class and make my lecturer proud of me and my classmates. Thank you. Peace!

my objectives!

my main objectives to attends csc134's class are to improve and enhance my knowledges in computer science. Before this i only used computer for play games, surf internet and sometimes used the microsoft words for doing my assigments given by my previous school's teachers. So i'm only have the basics skills in using computer. Besides that i also wants to make a good and close relationships betweens me, lecturer and all my friends in this class.